The New Wave Spritz: discovery of the alcohol-free Spritz

Le Spritz Nouvelle Vague : découverte du Spritz sans alcool

The Spritz, with its sparkling bubbles and refreshing taste, is a cocktail loved around the world. But what happens when we revisit this classic in an alcohol-free version? Discover the new wave Spritz, an alcohol-free version of this iconic cocktail, perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy life without the effects of alcohol.

The history of the Spritz

The Venetian origins of the Spritz

The Spritz, originating from the Veneto region of Italy, began as a mixture of white wine and soda water, a popular drink among Austrian soldiers stationed in Italy in the 19th century.

The evolution of the Spritz

Over time, the Spritz evolved, incorporating various bitters and spirits to become the colorful, sparkling cocktail we know today.

The alcohol-free Spritz: a modern trend

Why an alcohol-free Spritz?

With growing awareness of healthy lifestyle choices and a growing culture of sobriety, the Alcohol-Free Spritz fulfills a desire to enjoy the pleasures of life without the downsides of alcohol.

The key ingredients

A good non-alcoholic Spritz requires a perfect balance between bitterness, sweetness and sparkling. It uses non-alcoholic substitutes for bitters and Prosecco, combined with soda water and a slice of orange.

Alcohol-Free Spritz Recipes

The classic non-alcoholic Spritz

  • Ingredients: Non-alcoholic aperitif, sparkling water, orange slice.
  • Preparation: Fill a glass with ice cubes, add the non-alcoholic aperitif, top with sparkling water and garnish with a slice of orange.

Alcohol-free citrus spritz

  • Ingredients: Non-alcoholic aperitif, sparkling lemon water, grenadine syrup, lemon slice.
  • Preparation: Mix the non-alcoholic aperitif and the grenadine syrup in a glass filled with ice, top with the sparkling lemon water and garnish with a slice of lemon.

The new wave Spritz is a celebration of life and conviviality, without the effects of alcohol. Whether you're sober by choice or simply looking to diversify your beverage options, the Non-Alcoholic Spritz is a great way to enjoy life's little pleasures. Cheers to chic sobriety!

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